Tuesday 9 September 2008

The Westbury Party

Sunday was the Westburys' family party. About fifty people turned up, from various branches of the family.

I only know a small proportion of them by name, because I only see them once a year, and I'm bad that way. We used to have a Christmas party, but now it's a summer picnic.

There was plenty of food....

A play area for the children:

And we all had a good time. Much to celebrate for my branch of the family

including Anne's new job, her and Seb's new house, my managing to sell my house, John's graduation, and Jamie's getting in to Leicester, with Caroline.

We visited Mary's grave, as we always do, and the talk turned inevitably to the "C" word .... Christmas .... after all, it's September already. BUT first Anne is off on a road-trip with her wild friends... and I'll probably be having a house-warming. Watch this space...