Tuesday 16 September 2008

Sing for Water

I did the "Sing for Water" thing in London. The choir was about 800 of us:

We had a perfect day for it, lovely and sunny. I had breakfast after the early rehearsal, in a cafe nearby, reading the paper and drinking coffee and watching the world go by. There were lots of lovely stalls, selling all manner of craft, and also lager, curry, and coffee. What more could one want?

The performance was after lunch. We were preceded by another choir, of about 850 children. We had quite a good audience too. Karen's in there, roughly in the centre.

There was a man inviting us to throw our money down the drain...

And we were followed by a sort of Brazilian dance troupe.

Karen and I wandered off at this point, to look at more stalls and walk along the riverside back to Waterloo.