Tuesday 7 October 2008

I've arrived

The second removal-van-load of "stuff" has been delivered to my new house.

It's amazing how much more space stuff takes up when it's all wrapped in tissue paper and put in cardboard boxes. A small shelf of mugs or glasses occupies a large cardboard box. There must be about 100 boxes. So I have a load of empty cupboards, a nearly empty loft, and a load of dismantled furniture (beds and wardrobes) needing floor-space to assemble. And the house and garage are so stuffed with boxes, it's difficult even to move around! I can't believe how much stuff I have.

It's going to be like a sliding block puzzle, trying to make enough space to assemble things and do unpacking. I don't want to fill up the drawers of chests of drawers until they're in the right place, etc etc. I'm going to have to have another purge on belongings.

There's still a load of stuff in storage in Winchester as well! Aargh.

I can't really "work from home" there till I get broadband.

Still, I've checked out the local kebab shop, and it seems ok.