Friday, 8 February 2008

World domination

. . . . A postscript to the Mytho weekend.

Last night, I was at an NLP group evening. We were being shown a particular therapy/facilitation process, and the exercise was to work with each other in pairs, on the concept of "having fun". To explore what fun means to us, and how we have it, and so on, using a fixed set of "clean" questions, and getting a start by picking a few photos from magazines . . . . . The "clean questions" are things like "what happens next?" and "is there anything else about that?" and "what kind of xxxx is that xxxx?"

Most people ended up with a bunch of concepts around smiling, silliness, naughtiness, connection with other people, and (I quote) "Italian men in tights". Plenty of fun. I've no objection to a bit of silliness or naughtiness.

However, I find it hard not to do Mytho, and I managed it, even using the "clean questions". And Mytho is a very directional process. It's not about feeling good or being happy. I spent a lot of time at Peta's weekend telling people that, just as it was told to me on my day 1. It's about taking action.

So we started from our funny photos and cartoons, and while the others were asking their clean questions and getting to "men in tights", my 5 mins of facilitation ended with the following exchange:
  • Me "and then what happens?"
  • Ans: "world domination".