This weekend, I am attending a workshop based on the Five Rhythms Dance. I booked it up ages ago, and the reason I wanted to do it is that I worked before with the man who's teaching it, and I liked him. Feeling that you can get on with the teacher is more important than whatever the blurb says about the class and what it's for.
Or so I thought at the time ... as the class draws nearer, I am reminded that it has "acting" in the title ... what has that got to do with the five rhythms of expressing ourselves through bodily movement? Search me.... I'm hoping it'll be fun, interesting, and enlightening. As it gets closer, "what will it be about" starts to seem more important ...
... because when I get the "joining instructions", they say "bring two items of costume and two props". Aargh. And I'm going there after work today.
So I have been transformed into my first role. If you've ever commuted, you'll recognise this fellow: Man on busy commuter train festooned with large amounts of annoying luggage."
We all know him, we all hate him. But I have to carry spare clothes and loose clothes for dancing and props and extra costume items.
Normally I am efficient supercommuterman, who knows which doors to stand opposite. Now I am man with annoying luggage, I have to beg the tube staff to let me through the special gates for the incompetent. I wish I could carry a sign saying "I am a proper commuter really, honestly!" I make a point of showing my season ticket.
On the train, my bad karma means that the person who comes and sits next to me is annoying girl with a cold who doesn't have a hanky. Snurrrrff every two seconds for an hour. I played a similar part myself a couple of weeks ago (man with a cold and lots of really disgusting hankies he keeps waving around).
I shall report back on the workshop in due course.
Yours sincerely, man who thinks his blog is fascinating